Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 2

Today, we started on the main project where we have to build a mechanical contraption which enables us to propel a model car as far as possible in a straight line by converting the potential energy of one liter of water at one meter height into kinetic energy to move the car. With limited materials and time, we have to come up with ideas to design it. We have to face many design problems and as a result we had to keep on modifying the device without destroying it. We also face team members who were already about to give up on the project as it became very difficult. However, in the last minute, we managed to complete a workable model which was, to us, a miracle. It almost seemed unbelievable that we managed to complete the model at the last minute. It essentially showed me that we shouldn’t give up so easily and just persevere. We learnt that there are essentially three different types of designs; an original design which is a design invented from scratch, an adaptive design which is a very common type which involves improving a successful design and a variant design which involves making use of an original design and adding it with new and different technology. The most important thing is that designing requires a lot of skills that we are learning in school today.

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